Monday, November 21, 2005

Invite Google Adwords advertisers directly

Google Adsense publishers can invite Adwords advertisers to advertise on their websites. The “Advertise on this site” link is contained in the Adsense panel. Advertisers clicking on this link are taken to the Adwords sign-up page.

There is a however a downside to this approach. If Google ads system can’t find targetted ads for your webpage, there won’t be any advertising invitation on that page.

Using some simple HTML code listed below, you can actually add a “Advertise on this site” link to your blog or website even outside a Adsense ad unit. The advertising link can be added anywhere on your website or weblog independent of the location of the adsense panel.

Rembember to replace ca-pub-xxx with your own adsense client ID. The value of referringUrl can either be the location of your homepage or the current webpage’s location. I use BlogItemPermalinkURL template tag to use the URL of the current webpage.

Your link should now like something like: Advertise on my website with Google Adwords

I am yet to confirm if this complies with the Google Adsense TOS.